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Gordon Brown the Prime Minister of the UK, either lives in myopic nirvana or really thinks the British Public are thick.
He sent a letter today today to the head of the civil service, proclaiming '....The public would expect no less and would also expect the highest possible standards from all their politicians and all those who work for them....'
This is the same Brown who claims an allowance for a home despite being given a grace and favour residence paid for by the British Tax Payer, the same Brown who still supports Jacqui Smith, who had the gall to defend her position on claiming allowances the wide Public opinion finds indefensible and is even so mean as to claim for a bath plug. How petty minded and tight fisted can a mind to claim for this be? This is the woman who made a fraudulent claim for porn films and protested someone else should have told her. I wonder what other fraud she has committed.
The same Brown who even now defends politicians expenses. Who defends Myners, the man who knew about Goodwin's pension, but lied and pretended he didn't.
The same Gordon Brown who continues to defend politicians claiming expenses that many people think are indefensible. This is the man who thinks he can save the world from global depression, but can't work out that MP expense claims are nothing more than self aggrandisement.
He adds: '...I entered politics because of a sense of public duty and to improve the lives and opportunities of those less fortunate than me...'
Brown your morals have been lost, there is no one 'less fortunate' than you. You may be alive and think you are important. You are nothing more than a moral bankrupt. A trip to a Psychiatrist may help.
Transcript of the letter Gordon Brown wrote to the head of the civil service, Sir Gus O'Donnell dated 13th April 2009:
Dear Gus
I am writing about the Code of Conduct for Special Advisers, and the proposals I want to make to tighten this up.
I am assured that no minister and no political adviser other than the person involved had any knowledge of or involvement in these private emails that are the subject of current discussion.
I have already taken responsibility for acting on this - first by accepting Mr McBride's resignation and by making it clear to all concerned that such actions have no part to play in the public life of our country.
I have also written personally to all those who were subject to these unsubstantiated claims.
Mr McBride has apologised and done so unreservedly. But it is also important to make sure such behaviour does not happen again.
Any activity such as this that affects the reputation of our politics is a matter of great regret to me and I am ready to take whatever action is necessary to improve our political system.
I would therefore now like a more explicit assurance included in the special advisers Code of Conduct that not only are the highest standards expected of political advisers but that the preparation or dissemination of inappropriate material or personal attacks have no part to play in the job of being a special adviser, just as it has no part to play in the conduct of all our public life.
I also think it right to make it a part of the special advisers contract by asking our political advisers to sign such an assurance and to recognise that if they are ever found to be preparing and disseminating inappropriate material they will automatically lose their jobs.
I think you will agree that all of us in public life have a responsibility to ensure that those we employ and who are in involved in our parties observe the highest standards.
Like the overwhelming majority of figures in public life across the political spectrum, I entered politics because of a sense of public duty and to improve the lives and opportunities of those less fortunate than me.
My undivided focus as prime minister is on acting to make Britain a fairer, safer and more prosperous nation and, in particular, on guiding the country through the current economic difficulties.
The public would expect no less and would also expect the highest possible standards from all their politicians and all those who work for them.
Yours sincerely
Gordon Brown
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