Michael Jackson, a suspected paedophile

I had wanted to avoid posting about this man, but unfortunately he keeps getting comments.

He is a suspected paedophile, the US justice system seems to operate on a 'Are you a celebrity' , a la Simpson and Jackson.

If you fit the criteria of being a 'celebrity' the fact that evidence points to guilt, counts for nothing.

American seem to forgive crime: Dear old Phil Spector took decades to get to court, Roman Polanski, still wanted on paedophilia charges in the USA, but managed to get an Oscar in 2002 , OJ 'not guilty' made the rest of the world snort, not to mention his slow-mo car chase. Try it one day and the US cops will get you off the road fast as hell unless you are perceived as a 'celebrity', they then managed to find him innocent. Strangely enough where is he now?

Jacko the wacko paid off a family, why?

He got to court and was found innocent... any ring of Simpson?

Now he is dead, suddenly he was sorely misunderstood, a man with problems, but his music was great.

I have no time for it, he was a suspected paedophile and in the light of his actions probably more than suspected.

I have no eulogy for this man, as the world stands today, Jacksons death is nothing I mourn.

The world is a better place for dead paedophiles, not that I would possibly suggest that paedophilia and sweet innocent Michael Jackson and the pay off was in any way related.

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testing pixelpipe

Having attempted a direct post on blogger using the android phone and failing as I was unable to type in the post area, I am now trying using the pixelpipe app.

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Election of the Speaker of the House of commons

Members of Parliament just don't understand the Public mood and are today running a farcical election for a discredited role in the House of Commons.

The election of a new Speaker is an absolutely farcical situation, as the role of the Speaker needs reform not just a new face.

Amongst the urgently needed reforms of the role of the Speaker includes the function as the Chair of The Members Estimate Committee, which should not remain in the remit of the House of Commons. The Members Estate Committee considers matters relating to MPs’ pay and allowances on behalf of the House of Commons.

The front runners for the position include: John Bercow, A regular house flipper and a man who is a consultant to a Cayman Island registered business. One tax break after another, just the style of speaker we need; Sir Alan Beith, who together with his wife claimed £178 000 in second home allowances including a claim for a £5 457 kitchen. He also claimed just over £6 000 in food expenses between 2005 and 2008, what a breath of fresh air he would be; Margaret Beckett, claimed for almost £11,000 in gardening expenses, including £1,380 for plants, she said that a £600 claim in 2005, which was rejected by the fees office, had been 'a mistake', funnily enough she had made three similar claims between 2001 and 2003, sounds like just the decent, honest hardworking MP to head the Members Estate Committee we need.

Members of Parliament almost daily are managing to show complete contempt to the British Public, the farce of the election of a new Speaker being just the latest in a long line. The body politic becomes more remote and less relevant to the needs of the United Kingdom as each day passes.
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Part 2 of the Civil Contingencies Act and Swine Flu

After a lengthy delay, I finally received a response to my question posed in April about the CCA as to:

- Whether, as part of the planning for a declaration by the World Health Organization that this is a flu pandemic, the Government is considering activating Part 2 of the CCA

- if the CCA does form part of the strategy to deal with the pandemic (if declared), at what level of infection in the UK is the Government intending to enforce this Act?

As you can tell from the question, this was posed some time ago, as the outbreak has now been confirmed as a pandemic.

Gillian Merron, Minister of State in the Department of Health, who responded to the enquiry stated that the DoH, Health Protection Agency and Cabinet Office are working together to ascertain at what level of infection Government intervention would be necessary and when and how to bring forward legislation to manage public resources, adding Part 2 of the CCA is one option for delivering some of the measures under consideration.

Gillian further comments on the 'triple lock' mechanism which would need to be met before Part 2 of the Act was brought in to force. These test being:

- an emergency that threatens serious damage to human welfare, the environment or security has occurred, is occurring or is about to occur

- it is necessary to make provision urgently in order to resolve the emergency

- the emergency regulations are proportionate

Whether or not Swine Flu reaches the stage whereby Emergency Powers under the CCA is invoked or not, is something of a sideline. The real concern, is that an outbreak of Flu is deemed by the Government as a potential trigger for the Act to come in to force, which demonstrates, the way in which legislation introduced in a climate of 'fear' becomes a dangerous tool in the hands of politicians.

The 2004 revision of the CCA Scope of emergency regulations provide draconian powers to the State; the General Public have no safeguards or rights when the Act is enforced.
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Did political parties forget there was an election?

In the run up to the recent Euro and local council elections, the apathy displayed by political parties was all too apparent.

No one canvassed at the door and only the Conservatiove Party bothered to post any information about the local election candidate through the door. The leaflet presented gave absolutely no contact information for the candidate. After numerous calls to the Conservative central office, the Local Party Office, which was shut, the local Conservative club and the office in the House of Commons of the local MP, I eventually received a call from the candidate.

I attempted to make contact with the prospective Liberal Democrat for the seat and although I managed to speak to the leader of the Liberal Democrats for the local council and elicited a promise of a returned call, I received nothing back at all.

The Euro elections fared no better, again no canvassing.

An information leaflet from the Green Party came with a telephone number. I called to ask a question and was assured I would be called back, of course I wasn't.

I spoke to UKIP, who also provided a telephone number on their leaflet, my question was met with a response that the policy in question wasn't actually currently formulated, but a working party was considering the issue. At least I received a reply, useless though it was.

The Conservative party leaflet contained no telephone number, but at least there was a number on the central party website. Once again a promise of a returned call resulted in nothing.

The Labour party leaflet provided an sms service, but no telephone number, scouring their central website gave no contact telephone number.

The liberal Democrats couldn't be bothered to send through a leaflet.

The Christian Democrats managed to get a leaflet through, but again there was no contact number.

That was the extent of the interest political parties had in obtaining my vote.

Until such time a politicians do more than pay lip service to communicating, I fail to see what and how they intend to 'engage' the general public.

For the record: I didn't vote and never have done. I do not support the UK Democratic system, which is neither Democratic nor representative.

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Civilised interrogation, most people call it torture

Americans hang your heads in shame, this has been done on behalf of 'freedom'.

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The UK is just an American State

Diego Garcia, the island which has been used for extra-ordinary rendition, is part of the British Indian Ocean Territory, an archipelago of 55 islands which covers 54,000 sq km of ocean. The islands have a land area of 60 sq km.

The territory is overseen by a Commissioner and Administrator who are based in London. The Commissioner's Representative in the BIOT is the commanding officer of the British Royal Navy Party at Diego Garcia and who serves as the Justice of the Peace.

In the mid-1960s, Britain secretly leased Diego Garcia to the United States for 50 years, in exchange for a discount of US$11million on Polaris nuclear submarines. The deal was not disclosed to the US Congress, the British Parliament, or the United Nations. A memo from then Foreign Secretary Michael Stewart to Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson in 1969 admitted that the payment was kept secret from Parliament and the US Congress.However, America accepted only on condition that the islands were uninhabited. As a result, over the next few years the 1 200 inhabitants of the Chagossian Islands were forced to leave and sent to either Mauritius or the Seychelles in 1971, Britain made it official with an Immigration Ordinance denying the Chagossians the right to return. In 1978 Chagossians were each paid twenty pounds in compensation.

The constitutional arrangements for BIOT are set out in the British Indian Ocean Territory ( Constitution) Order 2004 and related instruments. The 2004 Order gives the Commissioner full power to make laws for the Territory. A series of UK/US Agreements regulate matters relating to the use of the Territory for defence purposes, such as jurisdiction over US military and other personnel.

Despite numerous court cases, which appeared to set the Chagossians able to return home in 2008 the Foreign Office successfully argued, that allowing the Chagossian islanders to go back to their Indian Ocean homes would be a "precarious and costly" operation, and the United States had said that it would also present an "unacceptable risk" to its base on Diego Garcia.

While Diego Garcia remains leased to the USA, Britain retains no control over the island, nor over the whole of BIOT. The fact that BIOT law is meant to be precedent in the Islands, yet evidently is interpreted to suit American desires, is a sad indictment of the way the UK continues to cede to American supremacy over the Sovereignty of the UK.

The Government has claimed 'the UK expects the US to seek permission before rendering detainees through British territory'. The US evidently don't really care what the UK expects as it has transpired that at least two rendition flights landed in Diego Garcia, about which the US didn't bother to inform the UK.

Having broken their lease by not informing the UK of this use, the US should be kicked off the island, but of course that wont happen.

The British Government used Orders of Council rather than statute, to continue to following the American demands in 2004. Jack Straw, then Foreign Secretary, signed the exclusion orders. He was subsequently asked how he now justifies the decision to deny the Chagossians the right to return to their home. He replied ‘..It was a difficult decision with two alternatives: whether to do it by Orders in Council or by statute….it was simpler to use Orders in Council...’ He was then asked ‘..Do you think the Chagos islands decision should have gone at least before the the Foreign Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons?’ Mr. Straw replied ‘In retrospect, yes. I think, with the benefit of hindsight, that what I exchanged was speed for legitimacy.’

The British version of elected dictatorship is discredited both in domestic and international affairs.
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Shailesh Vara MP and his second home

The MP for North West Cambridgeshire, Shailesh Vara, was outed yesterday by the Daily Telegraph in relation to claiming for mortgage interest relief prior to being elected. He countered this with the argument he forgot to pro-rata his claim for the time he wasn't a politician. A genuine mistake he would argue.

The property in question was in his wife's name only, he blamed that on his Solicitors mistake when the house was purchased. Fair enough he claims.

But one statement he made which I can't get my head round is:

'....The house was our matrimonial home and the name on the deeds and bills does not alter the reality of the ownership....'

Just one little problem here. 'Matrimonial Home' A matrimonial home is not a second home. Why was Shailesh Vara claiming for what he describes as his Matrimonial home?
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Police investigations of Politicians

There have been numerous calls for Police investigations into the actions and claims by politicians for expenses over the recent weeks, but so far nothing has happened.

I have been wondering why this would be the case?

Are the Police in cahoots with Politicians and won't investigate anyone? Are the investigations going on in secret? Are there no questions to ask?

I don't think any of those are the real reason we have heard nothing about investigations.

Tomorrow we have elections for the European Parliament and various council seats. I would guess, these investigations have been suppressed, under political pressure until after the elections. I anticipate that by next week, we will hear of investigations by the Police into certain MPs.

That in itself is an even more worrying sign than corrupt politicians. It means the Police are once again being manipulated by Government to meet a political agenda.

The mainstream parties are concerned of a backlash against them at the elections and much has been made of the potential benefits extremist parties may gain from this backlash. To have investigations ongoing of mainstream party politicians prior to the elections, has probably been deemed as a risk of corroding their support further.

Corrupt politicians are of considerable concern, a Police State is far worse.
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Boardroom pay bonanza

While Politicians are being lambasted for claiming expenses for cutting Wisteria and financing non-existent homes, not all Chief Executives of the FTSE100 Companies are getting the point.

The Largest Companies in the UK seem to think they are in the football leagues, with a Premiership of the top 100 and a Champion’s League of the FTSE250.

The average remuneration for a top 100 company CEO in 2008 was £2 600 000 an increase of 7% on 2007, whilst the top 250 average pay was £ 1 400 000 up by 5% on the previous year.

Not only does it appear that the CEO thinks they are worth a large salary, but they have scant regard for anyone else in their organisation, receiving on average 60% more than the next highest paid Director.

While profits and share prices have slumped, bonuses have remained the same. The FTSE100 fell by 30% last year, but CEOs maintain an average £510 000 bonus payment.
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Ripping off the electorate

Listening to Politicians pontificating about the need for wholesale change in British Politics is an unedifying spectacle. The idea that these people have suddenly woken up to wholesale political corruption, but had no idea of any of it before the Daily Telegraph ran their ongoing saga, is ridiculous.

We have Saint Cameron, forgetting he ripped of the tax payer and paid back to the kitty, only after he was found out. On what basis does he think he has any justification to lecture anyone else? Perhaps he feels his mini error is acceptable, after all he has now paid it back. it isn't. If it is wring in the cold light of a newspaper expose, it was wrong when the claim was made. The very fact he claimed it in the first place, demonstrates his ethics and they do not sit comfortably with the hand wringing he his now conducting.

As for Brown, a man who lives in a grace and favour residence, but still feels the need to claim for a cleaner, enough said. It isn't acceptable, never has been nor will it ever be so.

The very idea of yet another committee comprising Peers of the realm to head up an investigation in to wholesale change is farcical. Just last month 2 Peers were suspended for corruption and others had to make speeches of apology, which the Peers deem enough. A suspension and an apology are not enough for their breach of trust and to suggest they are in any way placed to decide the future of the political landscape would be comical, were it not so sad.

This doesn't leave us in the block, politicians would have us believe.

Now is the time when people can get together to look at change and put themselves forward for election to a committee who has the remit to undertake a radical review of the whole political system, from Parish Council to Central Government.

A committee with a two year fixed term. This committee would be further elected to regulate Parliament and Government once again on fixed two year terms and no one able to stand for office more than twice. Similarly anyone elected to this committee unable to stand for political office for a period of 4 year after their serving on the committee and should the consensus be to retain the peerage system, no honour or peerage to be bestowed for a period of four years after working on the committee. No one who has sat in political office should be permitted to stand on the committee for a period of two terms of the political arena in which they served. Be that eight, ten years, or whatever term the committee deems appropriate.

The next general election would be the last under the current system

Sure we are going through a financial crisis, with many additional major issues facing not just the UK, but the rest of the world, but without a political system in which people have faith, there is no hope for any 'buy in' from the general public.

It is essential to maintain a distance between the political system and the judiciary, something we have seen weaken over the recent years, it is also essential that anyone involved in a change of the political landscape must be divorced from the quagmire they scrutinize.
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