Listening to Politicians pontificating about the need for wholesale change in British Politics is an unedifying spectacle. The idea that these people have suddenly woken up to wholesale political corruption, but had no idea of any of it before the Daily Telegraph ran their ongoing saga, is ridiculous.
We have Saint Cameron, forgetting he ripped of the tax payer and paid back to the kitty, only after he was found out. On what basis does he think he has any justification to lecture anyone else? Perhaps he feels his mini error is acceptable, after all he has now paid it back. it isn't. If it is wring in the cold light of a newspaper expose, it was wrong when the claim was made. The very fact he claimed it in the first place, demonstrates his ethics and they do not sit comfortably with the hand wringing he his now conducting.
As for Brown, a man who lives in a grace and favour residence, but still feels the need to claim for a cleaner, enough said. It isn't acceptable, never has been nor will it ever be so.
The very idea of yet another committee comprising Peers of the realm to head up an investigation in to wholesale change is farcical. Just last month 2 Peers were suspended for corruption and others had to make speeches of apology, which the Peers deem enough. A suspension and an apology are not enough for their breach of trust and to suggest they are in any way placed to decide the future of the political landscape would be comical, were it not so sad.
This doesn't leave us in the block, politicians would have us believe.
Now is the time when people can get together to look at change and put themselves forward for election to a committee who has the remit to undertake a radical review of the whole political system, from Parish Council to Central Government.
A committee with a two year fixed term. This committee would be further elected to regulate Parliament and Government once again on fixed two year terms and no one able to stand for office more than twice. Similarly anyone elected to this committee unable to stand for political office for a period of 4 year after their serving on the committee and should the consensus be to retain the peerage system, no honour or peerage to be bestowed for a period of four years after working on the committee. No one who has sat in political office should be permitted to stand on the committee for a period of two terms of the political arena in which they served. Be that eight, ten years, or whatever term the committee deems appropriate.
The next general election would be the last under the current system
Sure we are going through a financial crisis, with many additional major issues facing not just the UK, but the rest of the world, but without a political system in which people have faith, there is no hope for any 'buy in' from the general public.
It is essential to maintain a distance between the political system and the judiciary, something we have seen weaken over the recent years, it is also essential that anyone involved in a change of the political landscape must be divorced from the quagmire they scrutinize.
Gove on – Education – EduKardasian – I8ucat
I make few public friends for believing in the adage of ’Those who can do,
those who can’t – teach’, however despite the public protestations to the »»
11 years ago
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