Is there nothing that the UK won't follow the US in doing?
In a recent case a High Court Family Judge gave a ruling giving the green light to the commoditisation of the womb.
A couple paid an American Woman to give birth to their child and the Judge decided that the fee they had paid this woman was acceptable.
I can see the adverts and websites springing up -
Healthy womb, good pelvic bone, available for hire in March. £25,000. Successful delivery of 18 babies. Will also consider Caesarean for that perfect Christmas Present.
Womb for rent, slightly uncertain pedigree, has managed 5 live births with 2 still births, reduced rate £10,000
Wanted - healthy womb - Couple wanting to celebrate their anniversary in style require the baby to be delivered on 27th May. Prepared to pay up to £35,000 for the right applicant.
Want a womb to rent but strapped for cash. Wombs for hire loans are available at a competitive rate.
I am desperate for cash to pay my mortgage and prepared to offer a reduced rate for my womb, highest deposit secures.
Need a baby in a hurry? Safe Caesareans - We are a specialist clinic working with our womb renters to ensure the fastest delivery possible. See our website for endorsements by satisfied customers.
What a sick country this is becoming.
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